November 29 International Day of Solidarity with the People of Palestine

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The All Workers Militant Front (PAME), firmly on the side of the Palestinian People, on the occasion of November 29th, International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, expresses the support of Greece’s class trade union movement in the just struggle of the Palestinians against the Israeli occupation and unites its voice with trade unions and workers all over the world against imperialism and the ongoing Israel-US-NATO-EU crime on the Palestinian land.

PAME calls for the Palestinian state to be recognized immediately by the Greek State, in accordance with the relevant decision of the Greek Parliament of 2015. As well as Greece to stop joint military exercises as well as  political, economic and military cooperation with Israel, which continues and deepens by the Greek Government of SYRIZA-ANEL. Especially at a time when violence and Israeli murderous attacks against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are escalating.

We support the just struggle of the Palestinian people for

  • The creation of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state, at the 1967 border with East Jerusalem as its capital
  • The withdrawal of the Israeli army from all the occupied territories of 1967
  • The cessation of settlement activity and the withdrawal of all settlers settled beyond the 1967 borders
  • The demolition of the unacceptable wall in Jerusalem and the West Bank
  • The lifting of the blockade on Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
  • The return of Palestinian refugees to their homes
  • The immediate release of all Palestinians and other political prisoners detained in Israeli prisons


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