Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

Dear colleagues,

PAME, representing the class-oriented trade union movement of Greece and the trade union of workers in food, tourism and hotels, salute and express our solidarity with the thousands of fast-food chain workers, who organize strikes and demonstrations in more than 60 cities of the United States, demanding decent wages and their right to unionize.

We demand the immediate satisfaction of the demands of the fast-food chain workers in the USA.

Your struggle confirms that even in the most developed countries, like the USA, the workers barely can make ends meet, while their employers forbid them fundamental trade union rights. This is the capitalists’ democracy.

The numbers show that despite the economic recovery in the US economy, the wages and working conditions have aggravated.

The working class of the U.S. is now paying for the recovery and the profits of the big capital and the multinationals.

At the same time the U.S. government is preparing the attack against Syria.

The class-oriented trade union movement of Greece stands by your side and we wish you every success to your struggle for better working conditions, wages and modern trade union rights.


The Executive Secretariat of PAME

The Trade Union of Workers in Food, Tourism and Hotels


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