Greece PAME Solidarity with the Workers of the Zetor Tractors in Czech Republic

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Greece PAME Solidarity with the Workers of the Zetor Tractors in Czech Republic

PAME, which represents the class trade union movement of Greece, expresses its indignation about the intention of the Zetor Tractors, JSC, in Czech Republic to fire 260 its employees by end of March 2019.

In the time the so-called capitalist growth the workers are victimized for the profits of the employers. The workers are those who produce the wealth of the capitalists and that is why they must never accept to sacrifice their jobs and their rights for the profits of the capitalists. Against the plans of the employers the workers must give their own response with organization and struggle for their rights and their jobs.

PAME expresses its solidarity to OSCMS Union and the workers of the Zetor Tractors in Czech Republic and demands the cancelation of the layoffs


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