The great success of the Strike of February 18 was a militant response of the working class of Greece to the Government’s plans to destroy Social Security.
Video from Strike Rallies all over Greece:
(with English Subtitles)
PAME in its statement noted
“Thousands of strikers across Greece on February 18, overcame the provocations by the government, intimidations by the employers in addition to GSEE’s efforts to break the strike with open support to the government. GSEE (ETUC member in Greece) with this stance wrote some of the darkest pages in trade union history of Greece
The workers in thousands participated in the strike rallies in more than 60 cities all over Greece and especially in the strike rally in Athens. With their massive participation, the workers send their message to the Government that they do not allow the destruction of Social Security that transforms social security from a right, to a commodity.
PAME calls all trade unions to escalate the fight with all forms, all over the country, to prepare new, big response for the withdrawal of the Guillotine-Bill against Social security.
The slander by the Government and its ministers failed.
The Government believed that because they agreed with GSEE not to call for any actions that the workers would not respond, that their antiworkers’ measures would be imposed without reactions. They failed. The strike-breaking mechanism of GSEE did not succeed. We condemn the intervention of the Government inside the trade unions. The agreements of the Government with the GSEE leadership will not be allowed.
PAME calls all union organizations to new demonstration on February 25 in Athens against the intervention and the presence of the employers and the Government inside the trade unions.”
Photos from the strike rallies in Athens and other cities:
Video from Athens Strike rally: