FSM and PAME Protest at the Embassy of France in Athens

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

PAME, a member of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU-FSM), expresses its solidarity with the great general strike of workers of France on December 17. The fight of the workers of France is also our fight.

In continuation of solidarity initiatives and support for the struggle of the workers of France, WFTU-FSM and PAME held a protest at the French Embassy in Athens on Monday, December 16, demanding the withdrawal of the anti-workers’ reforms and the satisfaction of workers’ just demands.

On behalf of WFTU-FSM, General Secretary George Mavrikos and PAME’s Head of International Secretariat Nikolas Theodorakis met with the Ambassador of France in Greece, Mr Patrick Maisonnave and delivered a resolution of Solidarity with the General Strike of December 17 in France.

Photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmK4eoJg


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