COSCO Piraeus Dockers Solidarity with Hamburg Dockers

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Markos Bekris, president of the ENEDEP- COSCO Piraeus Dockers trade union and member of the PAME Secretariat, was at the side of the dockers of the port of Hamburg.

Τhe dockers of Hamburg, the third largest port in Europe, are fighting against the takeover of the port by the monopoly giant MSC, which is pushing for further privatisation of the port, following the investment of the monopoly group COSCO in the same port. They are fighting through collective procedures to secure their labour rights, for collective labour agreements, against harmful changes, for health and safety issues in their workplace.

  1. Bekris participated and greeted an event organised by the workers’ union on Thursday afternoon, spoke at the strike rally at the port’s piers held on Friday morning and at the big rally of the trade unions and the city’s mass organisations on Saturday.

He welcomed their struggle and expressed the solidarity of ENEDEP 


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