CGTB of Brazil Visits PAME

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PAME was visited by the CGTB of Brazil, an affiliate of WFTU, on November 28-29. The delegation of CGTB headed by its President Ubiraci Dantas (Bira), Litti Dahmer and Maria Pimentel visited PAME offices on Monday and met with a delegation of the Executive Secretariat. CGTB informed about the developments and the situation in Brazil and the preparations for a National General Strike on December 5.

On Tuesday, CGTB delegation met with the Trade Union of Metalworkers, who informed them about the successful struggle in the shipyards which resulted in the signing of Collective Contract with better wages and conditions for the workers.

Later the delegation of CGTB visited the Regional Trade Union Center of Lavrio, who informed them about the conditions of the workers of the area, as well as about the rich history of this historic working class area.

PAME expresses its solidarity with the struggles of the workers of Brazil and CGTB especially for their General Strike on December 5.

Both organizations agreed on the need to strengthen coordination and cooperation among the class oriented trade unions against the common enemy, against exploitation and imperialism.




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