Huge Success of Call Center Workers’ Strike

Video TWEETs

Greece – Farmers big demonstration in Thessaloniki

Thousands of Farmers protested on February 3rd in Agrotica Expo, Thessaloniki fighting for their survival. Massive demonstrations escalate all over Greece   Videos  

February 8 Strike in Telecom Sector, Call Centers & Teleperformance Greece

The time has come! We demand substantial pay rises now! A 24hour strike on February 8 in the 4 big companies of the Sector, Teleperformance, WebΗelp,...

Workers of Teleperformance Multinational Massive Initiative in Athens

Workers of Teleperformance Multinational Massive Initiative in Athens Statement of the Telecom & IT Workers' Union of Athens (SETIP)   Enough is enough, our demands are fair,...

Massive Anti-Fascist, Anti-War Demonstration in N. Ionia Athens

Dozens of unions held a massive and militant rally on November 1st in N. Ionia of Athens, in Solidarity with the people of Palestine....

Athens – Action of Solidarity with STARBUCKS Workers

The Hotel-Tourism-Restaurant Workers’ Union of Athens held symbolic a protest at STARBUCKS store in Athens denouncing the intimidations of the multinational against militant workers,...


The workers of Greece, the trade unions that sign this document, express our firm and unwavering solidarity with the long struggle of the Palestinian...

Union of Dockers of COSCO in Piraeus, Greece: Solidarity to Hamburg Dockers

Solidarity to Hamburg Dockers VICTORY TO HAMBURG PORT WORKERS - WITH SOLIDARITY WE CAN WIN! We denounce the policies aiming to privatize the port of Hamburg...

Greece National Strike of Workers in the Pharmaceutical Industries

Another big battle in the Pharmaceutical industry was fought by the workers on July 5 for the signing of a sectoral Collective Labour Agreement...