Solidarity Statement from Trade Union of Workers in Telecom & IT of Athens -SETIP Greece to SINTAV and Teleperformance Portugal Employees

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Dear comrades of SINTAV and Teleperformance Portugal employees,

On behalf of the Syndicate of Employees in Telecommunications and IT Professionals (SETIP) in Greece, we extend our unwavering support and solidarity to you as you prepare to embark on a strike action to demand fair and just working conditions under a collective labor agreement.
It is with great concern and empathy that we have learned about the challenges you are facing in negotiating a collective labor agreement that respects your rights, dignity, and contributions as workers. The struggle for decent wages, adequate benefits, and a safe working environment is a universal one, transcending borders and industries. Your fight for these fundamental rights resonates deeply with us, as we too have experienced similar challenges in our own labor battles.
As fellow workers united by a common cause, we stand in solidarity with you in your pursuit of fair treatment and recognition of your hard work. We understand the importance of collective action in confronting the inequalities and injustices perpetuated by employers who prioritize profits over the well-being of their employees.
Your courage and determination to stand up against unfair labor practices inspire us all. In this pivotal moment, know that you are not alone. Your struggle is our struggle, and we pledge our full support to your cause.
We urge Teleperformance Portugal management to engage in meaningful dialogue with SINTAV and work towards a fair and mutually beneficial collective labor agreement that upholds the rights and dignity of all employees.
In solidarity,
Syndicate of Employees in Telecommunications and IT Professionals (SETIP) – Greece


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