Solidarity with OSCMS of the Czech Republic

PAME expresses its support and solidarity to the struggles of Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia (OSCMS) of the Czech Republic. In...

Solidarity with the General Strike of USB in Italy, October 21

PAME expresses its solidarity with the workers and the USB of Italy for their strike on October 21. The attack of the Renzi Government...

Solidarity with the Workers of Goodyear in France

All Workers Militant Front, PAME, that represents the class trade union movement of Greece, we express our solidarity to FNIC CGT, the unions and...

TOLEYİS Union Turkey, Solidarity Action with the Hotel Workers of Athens

Having been informed by the comrades from Pame about the strike of Athens hotel workers, we conveyed the information to our brother union...

Protest of Solidarity with the Workers of MEDLOG-MSC, Turkey

Today, Friday, September 23, forces of PAME, delegation of the Labour Center of Piraeus and the class trade unions of maritime workers and sea...

Solidarity To The Workers And The Trade Union Movement Of Brazil

  PAME (All Workers Militant Front) that represents the class oriented trade union movement of Greece expresses its solidarity to the workers and the...

Meeting with Trade Unions from Palestine

On Wednesday, September 7, PAME was visited by a delegation from Palestinian Trade Unions. The Unions representing the workers in Petrochemical, Communications, Accountants and...

Solidarity with the Rail workers and RMT on their 5day Strike in Southern Rail

The All Workers Militant Front (PAME) that represents the class trade union movement of Greece expresses its solidarity to the rail workers and RMT...

The WFTU Report 2011-2016 has been published

The WFTU Report 2011-2016 with the whole rich WFTU activity, has been published and is available for all to read, evaluate and spread. You can...