Solidaridad de PAME con los trabajadores de Iran

PAME (Frente Militante de Todos los Trabajadores) expresa las condolencias del movimiento sindical de clase de Grecia a los trabajadores de Iran y a...

PAME Solidarity with the workers of Iran

PAME (All Workers Militant Front) expresses the condolences of the class trade union movement of Greece to the Iranian workers and trade unions for...

With Militant Spirit Started WFTU’s 3rd World Congress Of Young Workers

Thursday, November 2nd, opened as the first day of the 3rd World Congress Of Young Workers of WFTU, in Rome. The congress brings together...

PAME Meeting With Lao Federation Of Trade Unions

On Friday, October 13, PAME welcomed a delegation of the Lao Federation of Trade Unions, headed by its President Pan Noymany. At the meeting...

PAME expresses its condolences to the trade unions and the workers of India, Nepal and Bangladesh for the thousand victims of the floods.

PAME (All Workers Militant Front) expresses its condolences to the trade unions and the workers of India, Nepal and Bangladesh for the thousand victims...

Solidarity with FIAT workers in Serbia

All Workers Militant Front (PAME) that represents the class trade union movement of Greece, we express our solidarity with the struggle of the...

Solidarity with the General Strike in Brazil on June 30

 PAME expresses its support to the workers of Brazil for the 30 June, General Strike. The workers of Brazil, on June 30 go on strike...

PAME at USB, Italy 2nd Congress

PAME Delegation took part and greeted the 2nd National Congress of USB, Italy, which took place on June 9-11. PAME expressed its gratitude to...

Solidarity with the farmers of West Bengal

The All Workers Militant Front, PAME, denounces the murderous attack by the forces of repression of Western Bengal, India, against the peaceful demonstration of...