Strike in Commerce-Retail, Sunday April 5

Strike in Commerce-Retail, Sunday April 5 We demand legislative action by the government  To Establish Sunday as a day off for all workers  ...

2 Day Strike in Telecom Company Forthnet on April 2-3

The General Assembly of our Trade Union at its meeting on Thursday 26/3/2015, decided a 48-hour strike for Thursday and Friday 2-3/04/2015 (that will...

Meeting of the Tourism Secretariat of PAME

The Tourism Secretariat of PAME met and summed up the situation that the workers are dealing with all across the country. At the same...

Workers’ Football Tournament of PAME

In this year’s Workers’ Football Tournament take part 76 teams, this means that PAME has to organise even better this tournament. It also means...

Photos from the activities of PAME and the class trade unions

Photos from the activities of PAME and the class trade unions  Blood donation organised by PAME Protest of the class...

Meeting of Telecommunications’ Trade Unions from Europe

On Saturday, March 14, took place at the Headquarters of PAME in Athens a meeting of trade union organisations from Telecommunications to discuss the...

Trade Union Persecutions continue!

15 trials against maritime workers until the end of June! There has been a barrage of persecutions against the right to strike. Even whole...

Saturday 14th of March, Action Day Against Unpaid Work

The Trade Unions of Workers in Private Health of Athens and Piraeus call for massive action to STOP the phenomenon workers of all professions...