PAME in the 13th Congress of the TUI of Public Services of WFTU in Cyprus

PAME participated in the successful 13th Congress of the TUI of Public Services and Allied Workers of WFTU, which took place in Cyprus on...

PAME Honored the 1973 Uprising Against the Junta-US-NATO  

PAME participated in the events and the big antiimperialist demonstration in the 46th anniversary since the students-people’s uprising against the military dictatorship in...

Protest of PAME Against Confiscation of Home by the Banks

 PAME’s Committee Against the Confiscations of Homes by the Banks held a new protest on Wednesday, November 13 to cancel ALPHA BANK’s plan to...

PAME meeting with Garment Workers Trade Union Center of Bangladesh

 A meeting took place on Wednesday, November 13, between PAME and the Bangladesh Garment Workers Trade Union Center. The General Secretary of Garment Workers Trade...

PAME Addressed the 10th National Congress of MAS-Students’ Militant Front

On Sunday, November 10, took place the 10th National Congress of MAS-Students’ Militant Front of Greece, under the theme “We continue! More-Stronger-Militant! For our...

COSCO Workers’ Protest

The Union of COSCO Workers-ENEDEP and the class unions of Piraeus held a protest in the offices of COSCO at the Port of Piraeus...

PAME Denounces the killing of a Metalworker in LARCO Factory explosion

PAME expresses its deepest sorrow and rage for the loss of another worker, father of 3 children, at the explosion that took place in...

Demonstration Against the Fascist-Nazi organization “Golden Dawn”

 PAME, student unions and peoples’ organizations held a rally in front of Athens Court House on Wednesday, November 6th against the fascist, criminal organization...

Protests of Workers and Students

Protests of Workers and Students On Thursday, October 31, Workers’ Unions and University Students demonstrated in Athens. The students held demonstration demanding Free Public Education...