Participation of PAME in the International Meeting of Energy-Chemical Industry-Pharma Unions

A delegation of PAME and the Federation of Pharmaceuticals participated in the International Trade Union Seminar of Energy, Pharmaceuticals, Chemical Industry organized by the...

PAME delegation at the SYXKA PEO Congress

A delegation of the Athens Tourism Catering Union and the Tourism Secretariat of PAME participated in the 29th Congress of the Hotel Workers Guild...

November 29 International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Today, November 29, is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, PAME, the Regional Trade Union Centers, the Federations, the Trade Unions,...

PAME steadfast on the side of migrant workers

 On November 20-21, a delegation of the PAME, the Regional Trade Union Centers of Amaliada, Patras and the National Federation of Workers in Food...

Solidarity in the struggle of the metalworkers of Cadiz

PAME, a member of the WFTU, expresses its solidarity with the struggle of the metalworkers of Cadiz and other areas of the Spanish state...

Do not turn Greece into a grave of the uprooted

The new incident with the multi-fatal accident on the Egnatia Odos, where seven migrants lost their lives and as many others were seriously injured,...

Strike in Food Industry TASTY (PEPSI Co)

PAME welcomes the struggle of the TASTY workers who collectively and democratically, through General Assemblies and a broad debate decided with their Union to...

Massive Anti-imperialist demonstration in Athens VIDEOS On November 17 the people of Greece, the unions, the youth and massive organizations honored the anniversary of the Polytechnic Uprising of 1973 against...

Israel’s imperialist barbarism in a video PAME denounces the continuing terrorism against the Palestinian people by the murderer-state of Israel. A video released on November 17 by the Israeli human rights...