Cancel the Persecution against PAME’s cadre Valsamos Syrigos

The General Secretary of the National Federation of Construction Workers of Greece and member of the PAME Secretariat, Valsamos Syrigos is being tried on...

On the death of the 16-year-old Roma boy who died after police shooting

On Tuesday, December 13, died a week after being shot in the head by a policeman, a 16-year-old Roma boy called Kostas Fragkoulis. Massive demonstrations...

Big Union Meetings in Preparation of December 17 Demonstrations

Hundreds of Union leaders met on Monday, December 12 in Athens and Thessaloniki to discuss the preparation of the demonstrations of December 17. Main theme...

Workers’ struggles have nothing to do with the filth of the ITUC-ETUC

Workers' struggles have nothing to do with the filth of the ITUC-ETUC Just as these organisations have nothing to do with the working class For those...

Greece – Call for Big Workers’ Demonstrations December 17

No Waiting-We Continue with More Determination for A Militant Uprising In Every Workplace, In Every Sector, In Every Neighborhood For Increases in Wages, Against the Inflation...

PAME Statement on the police shooting of a 16year-old Romani boy

On Monday, December 5, police shot in the head a 16year old Romani boy in the city of Thessaloniki, after being chased for not...

Vive la Classe ouvriere francaise, vive la classe ouvriere internationale

Chers camarades de la Federation du Commerce er Services  Le PAME soutien votre lutte et vos mobilizations pour l’amelioration des conditions de travail et pour...

Solidarity with the National Strike on 2 December in Italy

 PAME expresses its solidarity with the workers of Italy and the USB for the big national strike on 2 December. The workers of Italy also...

We denounce Biden’s attacks against the struggles of US workers

 PAME expresses its solidarity with the US workers who are fighting for wage increases and jobs with rights. We support the struggles of workers...