PAME expresses its support to the workers of Turkey

  PAME expresses its support to the workers and the people of Turkey and its grief for those who were lost after the great earthquake...

PAME Conference “Trade Union Freedoms Under Attack by Government-Employers”

 On Thursday, October 29, PAME hosted an event under the theme "New bill on the Action of Trade Unions: Trade union action, organization and...

10th Congress of National Federation of Workers in Textile of Greece

On Saturday, October 24 and Sunday October 25, took place the 10th Congress of the National Federation of Workers in Textile of Greece (OEKIDE)....

Statement on Boehringer Pharmaceutical Multinational in Greece

During the previous days we fought collectively against the decision of the company Boehringer to lay off a colleague who is a young mother,...

Tourism Workers Strike on November 2nd throughout Greece

 The majority of workers in our sector have been in work suspension since the end of March. At the same time, the few colleagues...

PAME New Publication “We Broke the Silence The Action of PAME and the Class Unions During the Pandemic March-August 2020”

PAME published a new book that documents the positions, initiatives and actions of the class unions of Greece during the first wave of the...

PAME Statement “We Will not Surrender our Right to Union Action”

With the new capitalist crisis in progress, the demands of the industrialists, the big business groups, are clear: They want to proceed unhindered with...

Solidarity with the Dockers of Bilbao

PAME expresses its solidarity with the mobilizations and strikes of Bilbao dock workers against the dismissals, for the right to stable work. LAB, a member...

Protest at the Ministry of Finance “Bankers Hands off from Peoples’ Homes”   A protest at the Ministry of Finance took place on October 22 by unions and organizations of the self-employed against the Bankruptcy Code brought...