GREECE Great Strike Wave in preparation for National General Strike

A massive wave strike rose on Wednesday, October 23 and flooded Athens, Piraeus and major Greek cities. Maritime workers, Teachers, Dockers, Metalworkers, Workers in Hotels,...

Teachers National Strike

PHOTOS - VIDEO from the Teachers National Strike in Athens on October 23 Photos   Videos    

Strike of Metalworkers in Piraeus Shipyards PHOTOS-VIDEO

On October 23, maritime workers, dockers and Metalworkers of the Shipyards held a massive strike which held a protest at the Maritime Ministry. After...

National Strike of Hotel-Tourism Workers PHOTO – VIDEO

Hotel and Restaurant workers in Greece held a 24hour strike action on October 23 demanding Local Collective Contracts with wage increases. PHOTOS VIDEO  

Solidarity with USB and its 19th October mobilisation in all cities of Italy against repression against DDL 1660

PAME denounces the Italian Government that attempts to block and criminalise more workers and people’s struggles. While they put more resources into the arms industry...

Greece Strike Calendar Update

Greece Strike Calendar Update Upcoming Strikes in Greece October 22-23 Maritime Workers 23 & 25 Piraeus COSCO Dockers 23 Metalworkers in Piraeus Shipyards 23 National Strike of Hotel-Tourism Workers   November November 6...

Massive Participation in the National Strike In Public Hospital of Greece

Free health care for all the people, mass recruitment of permanent staff, wage increases, tenure of contract workers! These just demands of health workers and...

ARMS Shipment to Israel Blocked by Workers of Piraeus!

ARMS Shipment to Israel Blocked by Workers of Piraeus! WORKERS HAVE THE POWER! Late last night the COSCO Dockers Union in Piraeus Port, ENEDEP, alerted its...

Solidarity with the People of Palestine-Lebanon. The Workers Of The World United Against The Imperialist Crime

The Workers Of The World United Against The Imperialist Crime Solidarity with the People of Palestine-Lebanon STOP THE WAR NOW For more than a year since the...