Message of PAME to the working class of Belgium fore their General Strike on December 15

The All Workers Militant Front (PAME) that represents the class trade union movement of Greece expresses its solidarity with the working class and the...

PAME condemns the murderous attack of Israel

All Workers Militant Front (PAME) condemns the murderous attack of the Israeli Army, against a peaceful protest of Palestinians, on the occasion of the...

Photos from the Demonstrations of PAME

Photos from the Demonstrations of PAME are available at   video :  

For the National-General Strike in Greece, on 27 November

Thousands of workers, young, unemployed, pensioners, self employed, small farmers, took part in the General Strike and in the Demonstrations of PAMe in 67...

PAME condemns the employer’s threats against a young woman worker for being pregnant!

The Secretariat of PAME, in Heraklion, Crete condemns another of the employers uncontrolled terrorism: the case of a pregnant colleague who works at an...

Every success to National March of 21-25 of November in Portugal

Dear comrades, PAME that rallies the class oriented trade union movement of Greece, congratulates you on the successful Day of Indignation, on November 13,...

Demonstrations of PAME on the anniversary of the ’73 Polytechnic School Uprising

With a massive anti-imperialist demonstration outside of the USA Embassy of Athens concluded the 3day events for the anniversary of 1973 uprising of the...

Persecutions against PAME’s cadres do not stop

Persecutions against PAME’s cadres do not stop. Once again the Justice System runs to the service of the government and the capitalists. They call...

Video from the National Rally of PAME November 1st

  Watch at Video from the National Rally of PAME November 1st  More than 100,000 people, a sea of people flooded the streets of...