The Anticommunist Hysteria of the ETUC

The ETUC has issued a press release under the title “No new Berlin walls!” Whereas the press release is about the issue of migrants,...

The ETUC supports the imposition of a new Memorandum in Greece

The right hand of the European Union in the trade union movement, the ETUC, added itself to the mechanisms of terrorization of the Greek...

PAME are the support of every worker.

Colleagues, Workers, Unemployed, young, Greeks and Migrants PAME (All Workers Militant Front), the trade unions, the Regional Trade Union Centers, the Federations that are class...

PAME protests the tactics of Israel against the WFTU

The Executive Secretariat of PAME expresses its strong protest for the illegal and authoritarian tactics of the Israeli police against our colleague, cadre of...

Huge Demonstration of PAME in Athens (Video-Photos)

More than 600 Trade Union and People’s Organisation demonstrated all over Greece Rallies were held in more than 60 cities   Important International Solidarity...

Huge Demonstration of PAME in Athens (Video-Photos)

More than 600 Trade Union and People’s Organisation demonstrated all over Greece Rallies were held in more than 60 cities   Important International Solidarity...

Watch video from PAME’s occupation at the Greek Ministry of Finance

Watch video from PAME's occupation at the Greek Ministry of Finance at   The banner with picture of the 3 Prime Ministers, says...

Διεθνής Αλληλεγγύη στο ΠΑΜΕ και τον Ελληνικό Λαό

Διεθνής Αλληλεγγύη στο ΠΑΜΕ και τον Ελληνικό Λαό   Μπλόκο στα Νέα Μέτρα Όχι στα Μνημόνια Διαρκείας και στα νέα Μέτρα πτώχευσης του Λαού...

URGENT-PAME Occupied the Ministry of Finance of Greece

This moment, workers from dozens of trade unions of both the private and the public sector that rally with PAME, have occupied the Ministry...