Solidarity with the workers in London Underground and RMT

PAME(All Workers Militant Front) that represents the class trade union movement of Greece expresses its support to the London Metro Workers and RMT Union,...

Militant Protest of PAME at the Headquarters of the Industrialists’ Union

PAME held a militant protest today at the Headquarters of the Industrialists’ Union against the terrorizing tactics of the employers, who go on threatening,...

The Trade Unions To Organize Militant Response

PAME denounces the attempts of the monopolies to terrorize the workers, to use the atmosphere of fear that is caused by the Greek Government...

Protest of Pensioners’ Federation for the Payment of Pensions

The Pensioners’ Federation organized a protest at the Ministry of Finance and to the Bank of Greece to demand the immediate payment of the...

No to the Memorandum of Troika – No to the Memorandum of SYRIZA

The coalition Government of the Socialdemocratic SYRIZA and the ultra rightwing ANEL approved last night in the Parliament the conducting of a Referendum on...

Strikes for June 30 Announced by the Workers in Bottled Drinks Industries and Maritime Workers

The developments in Greece, and the expected announcement of a new, antiworkers memorandum is connected with the daily attack on workers’ rights and wages....

Youth Secretariat of PAME On the occasion of the International Day against Drugs

Solution Is Not Running Away Solution Is Not the Illusions, Resignation, and Submission We Hold Our Heads High We Fight Against All Drugs and...

Thousands demonstrated with PAME against the New Memorandum

PAME held a great demonstration on Tuesday, June 23, against the New Memorandum that is to be decided by the Greek Government, the European...

PAME: Continuous And Unwavering Struggle

The continuous and unwavering struggle of PAME against the Memoranda and the antiworkers’ policies. A short video about the militant actions of PAME the...