Solidarity in the Employees of Public Sector of France and their Strike

All Workers Militant Front (PAME), member of the World Federation of Trade Unions, representing the class trade union movement of Greece and having in...

Solidarité des Unions Locales Des Travailleurs de Grèce A la Lutte des Travailleurs de France

Les Unions Locales Des Travailleurs de Grèce, que nous signons le texte suivant, expriment leur solidarité aux luttes des travailleurs de la France qui...

10-Day Action Of Pensioners

  10-Day Action Of Pensioners Across Greece Against The Anti-Pensioners, Anti-Popular Policies And The New Deadly Measures Of The SYRIZA-ANEL Government.   The Government...

The Antiworkers’ Attack Across Europe Is Unified, Lasting And Continuous.

  On the occasion of the visit of French President Macron to Greece, PAME issued the following statement:  The “growth” of the profits...

Declaration of the Antiimperialist Trade Union Meeting of Thessaloniki

THESSALONIKI DECLARATION June 2017 With The Workers Of All Countries For A World Without Exploitation, Wars, Refugees On June 24, 2017, a large demonstration...

Solidarity to the People of Cuba

  In the context of the Day of Action "Cuba is not alone", declared by the WFTU, PAME carried out today a protest of...

Successful National Strike of Tourism Workers All Over Greece

With militant demonstrations and picket lines in front of big hotels, the class unions held successfully the National Strike of Workers in Tourism, on...

Successful National Strike of Tourism Workers All Over Greece

With militant demonstrations and picket lines in front of big hotels, the class unions held successfully the National Strike of Workers in Tourism, on...