Big Demonstration of Tourism Workers in Athens

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

PAME salutes the militant initiatives of the employees from all the Hotels of Athens, the tourist offices, the restaurants and the cafes, who with their mass demonstration, continuation of the big actions that preceded and will continue throughout Greece, they responded to Employers-Government that the workers will not accept the policy of unemployment, layoffs, poverty, half-work-half-life.

The class movement denounces the government’s violent attack on the workers’ mobilization. The Ministry of Labor, which has become a center that welcomes every day the big hoteliers with red carpets and funds, it closed down its entrance and with repressive forces, chemicals and tear gas attacked against hotel workers, to show who they want to pay the bill for the pandemic.

The government, wanted to send a message that either out of fear of unemployment or repression, it will impose the policy that will fund with millions to the big hoteliers, but will distribute poverty and unemployment to the hotel employees.

At the provocative stand of the government, the workers of Hotels-Tourism responded


The government must immediately implement the fair demands of thousands of tourism workers:

To ensure the income of all as provided by the Collective Agreements

No wage cuts, no negative change – No casual work

To re-employ all seasonal workers, to protect all the unemployed in the industry






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