Big Demonstration Against USA-NATO Attacked by Police (Photos-Videos)

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

PAME and Militant Unions and Associations of Greece demonstrated today in many cities of Greece against the visit of US Secretary of State, Pompeo, in Athens.

His visit is to confirm new agreement with the Greek Government for the use of Greek land, seas and airspace, as well as USA military bases in Greece for the coming years.

This agreement makes Greece a tool for the plans of USA-NATO to attack the people of the region.

Big demonstrations were organized all over Greece.

In Athens thousands demonstrated saying “Pompeo Go Back!”

The Greek Government attacked violently against the demonstration in Athens with Riot Police, tear gas and sound grenades when the demonstrators threw red pain at the statue of Amercian President Truman.

See videos:

In spite of their attempts the demonstration continued till the American Embassy in Athens where the demonstrators burned a flag of NATO and a flag of the USA

Photos from the demonstration here



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