All in the Rallies of PAME on December 18th

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The SYRIZA-ANEL government is escalating its assault by voting a rigid, anti-workers’, anti-peoples’ state budget for 2019 in the Parliament on December 18. The first “after-memorandum” budget that is being discussed these days contains all the anti-peoples’ measures of the three memoranda and also adds new.

It gets ten from the poor and gives a crumb to the most impoverished with the assumption that the budget surpluses have been caught!

At the same time, it provides additional gifts and privileges to business groups for the recovery of their profits with tax reductions, subsidies for insurance contributions etc.

Without shame, the government celebrates the voting of the budget that is characterized by the permanent cuts on the funds that cover basic and fundamental needs. At the same time that it has triggered a wave of new taxation to the working class, hitting the peoples’ income even more, the budget also provides for a steady cutting in social funds, a new attack on healthcare and social insurance. The government thus seals the constant attack on the rights of workers, pensioners and the unemployed.

We take the case of organizing the fight in our hands!

We go beyond the compromised and sold out trade union leaderships at GSEE-ADEDY (members of ETUC in Greece) who do not want and also are not even oriented to organize a movement against the demands of the business groups. The “contentious framework” that they have, is identical to the interests of employers and the government’s positions.

The recent strike on November 28, the PAME strike rallies across the country and the preparation for the success of the strike in industries and workplaces was a fighting-militant response to the government’s lies and frauds, a response to the business groups to the sold out trade-unionists, who sought to silence every militant voice.

Our own needs in the Front Line!

We call on trade unions, workers, pensioners, the unemployed, to protest on December 18th, the day of voting on the anti-workers’ state budget, which destroys our rights for the profits of the few.

We demand:

  • Abolition anti-workers’ laws. Reinstatement of the ColectiveAggrement and lower wage
  • Increases in wages, pensions, social benefits.
  • Abolition of all anti-social insurance laws. Public Universal, Compulsory Social Security. A lower pension at 80% of the lower salary.
  • No main residency auction. Abolition of all taxes,
  • Anti-seismic, flood protection and anti-fire protection measures.
  • No involvement in imperialist plans and wars.

All in the rallies of PAME on December 18th!



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