A Book for the Workers Struggles from the Beginning of the Crisis To This Day

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PAME announces to the workers and to the trade unions, the publication of an important 272-pages book that includes the workers-peoples’ struggles since the beginning of the crisis in our country to this day, along with the basic political developments of each year, the action and the positions of the class oriented union movement.

This publication is not a simple photo album, but it includes the big strikes, the rallies and the mobilizations, the fights of the branches but also the struggles in workplaces, the everyday multiform fight of the workers against the attack of the employers and the Greek governments, so as the workers not to pay for the crisis, for the people not to bankrupt.

It is a special tool for knowledge, especially for the youth, and it will be very useful for the new battles that we have in front of us.

The present publication is dedicated to the thousands of the militant workers with whom we fought side by side all these years and we continue in the same way, with faith to the just struggle of the working class. It is also dedicated, to our comrades and colleagues that are not among us today.

The book is already available in Greek, and in the next period will also be available in English.


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