Protest at the Foreign Ministry Against Participation of Greece in the Imperialist Plans and Conflicts

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On Monday, February 21 took place protest of Unions and organizations of the Struggle Committee against the Greek-American Military Agreement at the Foreign Ministry of Greece with basic demand that there be no involvement of Greece in the war, that no facilities be given to the imperialists and that the US-NATO bases be closed now.

In its resolution, among other things, the Committee states: “The ND government has very heavy responsibilities. It involves our country in the tangle of competitions, undertakes dangerous initiatives, seeks to play the role of a good student for Euro-Atlantic interests. Through US-NATO bases and infrastructure from Alexandroupolis to Souda, our country is transformed into a vast base of war against other peoples. At the same time, our people are being targeted. The myths that the US-NATO plans can supposedly guarantee the security, protection of the borders and the sovereign rights of our country in the face of Turkish bourgeoisie aggression are dispelled in practice. We call everyone in the fight against the country’s involvement in US-NATO-EU war plans! No Euro-Atlantic infrastructure from Greek territory for operations in Ukraine! Do not ratify the Greek-American Base Agreement! “Close all Euro-Atlantic bases and infrastructure now!”

Protest was also organized in Thessaloniki and more actions are being prepared by the Unions.



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