Unions of Athens Protest in Solidarity with the People of Kazakhstan

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The class unions of Athens, workers and students protested on Monday, January 17, at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Greece in solidarity with the struggle of the people of Kazakhstan.

The Unions denounced the presence of massive police forces in front of the Embassy, which reminded that authoritarianism is common for all anti-workers’ Governments.

The workers of Athens declared their solidarity with the big struggles of the people of Kazakhstan for better life, higher wages against privatizations, against oppression and state authoritarianism.

The Unions demanded all detained protesters in Kazakhstan to be released, abolition of all anti-union legislation, all laws that illegalize union organization and action.

Solidarity with the struggle of the People of Kazakhstan

Солидарность с борьбой народа Казахстана

Photos https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjzyWYW



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