EFood Delivery Workers Have Won!

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EFood Delivery Workers Have Won!

In a major development for the workers in e-services and platforms and generally for the working class of Greece, yesterday the multinational company submitted to the demands of the workers faced with the new wave of strikes and protests all over Greece and the great wave of solidarity.

In an announcement on September 23, e-food Company announced

“We are transferring all the existing fixed-term contracts, hiring all 2,016 employees in Efood with contracts of indefinite duration, while recognizing their previous service. We retain the extended rights and additional benefits they enjoyed, such as private insurance. We are reshaping the evaluation criteria which will be determined in cooperation with our distributors”

This means acceptance of the most important of the demands of the workers.

In its announcement, the Trade Union of Workers in Catering-Tourism-Hotels of Athens, member of PAME, stated

Efood Workers We Are victorious!

The big strikes that took place all over Greece on Wednesday, brought to their knees the multinational electronic platform that announced a few hours ago that all fixed-term contracts become indefinite and at the same time the end of the cooperation with the slave trade outsourcing company “MAN POWER GROUP”

The joint action of our Unions, our unity and determination, the support of our fair struggle by the workers and the people of the whole country, were what led the company to this decision. Any attempt for the company to appear as humane and pro-workers is hypocritical. 24 hours ago, they were the ones who” welcomed “us with police cages in front their offices.

The massiveness of tomorrow’s 24-hour strike that we organize the workers with our Unions will ensure that what the company announced will be implemented!!!

It will send a message that “e-food” and as a whole, employers, the government and their mechanisms have not gotten rid of and will not get rid of the workers, the riders and their unions.

The Hatzidakis law will remain on paper. We will continue until all our just demands are met. THE FIGHT OF E-FOOD RIDERS IS A FIGHT OF ALL WORKERS. It’s a one-way street for the whole working class.

Strike September 24 Spot https://youtu.be/XxPY-On1jBo

PAME will be informing about the new strike and protests of EFOOD workers on September 24 through its Youtube, Flickr etc


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