Big Rally “We fight Fascism and the System that gives birth to it”

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On Saturday, September 18, the class unions of Piraeus, youth and members of the mass movement held a large rally with the slogan “We fight Fascism and the System that gives birth to it” on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the assassination of Pavlos Fyssas by the Nazi criminal organization Golden Dawn.



Protesters laid flowers at the memorial to the murdered anti-fascist musician and marched to the nearby historic site where in 1944 Nazi occupation forces executed hundreds of resistance fighters.


Sotiris Poulikogiannis, president of the Trade Union of Metalworkers and Shipbuilding of Attica, spoke at the gathering and stated “8 years after the assassination of Pavlos Fyssas, the workers’-popular movement continues the fight against fascism and the causes that give birth to it. It fights against the policy of the government that seeks to turn the workers into slaves of the 21st century, we fight against the policy of repression against anyone who raises his head…We continue to be more organized and more determined because those who fed Golden Dawn, the shipowners and the bosses, want to crush our every right… We are sending a message to the workers in every popular neighborhood: “Do not be afraid!”, This is what the fascists and the capitalist system that feeds them are betting on…Fascists you hide! The fist of the workers’ movement is waiting for you”



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