Important success of the struggle of Tourism workers

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The big mobilizations of the workers in Tourism-Hotels of Greece gave the first victories. On Thursday, May 28, the big demonstration of the class unions of Tourism ended up in the Ministry of Labor, asking for an immediate solution to the basic demands of the Tourism workers.

Initially, the ministry refused to meet with the unions, closing the entrances and using police forces and chemicals against the workers. The resolute stance of the unions forced the Ministry to meet with a union delegation.

In the meeting that finally took place with the Secretary General of the Ministry, the unions managed to extract the commitment of the Ministry of Labor for the re-employment of all seasonal workers. The action of the unions led to the commitment of the Ministry for all those who worked last season as seasonal. A development that concerns tens of thousands of seasonal hotel employees, who were left without jobs.

After the demonstration the Unions held a meeting of the Hotel-Tourism unions of Athens, where it was stressed that “We are continuing the fight for the State and the employers to fully cover the income of the employees. We have made a step. We continue the mobilizations to realize all our demands”

In this context the Unions decided to proceed to a new Demonstration on Thursday, June 4.

Video of yesterday’s action in Athens:

Photos from Tourism Workers Demonstrations all over Greece

Photos from Tourism Workers Demonstration in Athens




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