Protest Demonstration of Unions at the City of Ioannina

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The Regional Trade Union Center of Ioannina with many Unions of the Region in Northwest Greece, held a militant protest at the City of Ioannina, on October 24, against the visit of the Prime Minister Tsipras and an event of the SYRIZA Government.

The Greek Government continues to organize events in many cities promising “growth”. But the growth the Government promises is for the capitalists, who gather and discuss how to use the new anti-workers measures and the cut wages, so as to make more profits. That is why the protesters chanted slogans saying “Their growth destroys workers’ lives-Counterattack and Struggle our only choice”

The protest of the workers met massive police forces, which prohibited the workers anywhere near the event. This is another example of the anti-workers’ stance of the Greek Government.




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