2Day Great Anti-Imperialist Initiative of PAME (Videos-Photos)

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PAME greets the thousands of workers from all over Greece, who, under difficult weather conditions, with extremely high temperatures, massively demonstrated in June 24 in Thessaloniki under the slogan “With The Workers Of All Countries For A World Without Exploitation, Wars, Refugees”. The demonstration reached the NATO Headquarters, where the demonstrators threw red paint. After the demonstration a big concert was held with militant songs.

The next day, June 25th, an International Anti-War, Anti-Imperialist Trade Union Meeting took place with the participation of trade unions of the Balkans and the neighbor countries. Specifically participated the following trade union organizations:

  •  World Federation of Trade Unions
  • Syria-General Federation of Trade Unions
  • Cyprus-PEO
  • Cyprus-KTOEOS
  • Serbia-SLOGA
  • Turkey-Birlesik Metal Is
  • Turkey-Nakliyat Is
  • Turkey-Toley Is
  • Egypt- GTUAFILW
  • Italy-USB
  • Palestine-WUCP


The international meeting concluded on the following:

  • To Issue a Joint statement of the participants in the meeting.
  •  To organize a Pan-European meeting in Brussels on the role of the EU and the NATO
  •  Trade union action day against the imperialist war, solidarity with the peoples of Palestine, Syria, Cuba, Iraq, Libya.
  • Campaign for Solidarity with the Refugees – Immigrants (which will include a joint poster, a joint declaration, events in all countries).
  • Joint coordination to face the employers’ aggression, such as lay-offs, etc


Videos at:

Photos at:


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