PAME Addressed The 7th National Conference Of The Students’ Militant Front

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On Sunday, January 15, delegation of PAME was invited at and addressed the 7th National Conference of the Students’ Militant Front (MAS), which was held at the Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus.

At the Conference take part Students’ Unions and Committees from Universities and Technological Educational Institutes from all over Greece.

In its greeting PAME stated: “Our presence here today has no typical character, it is a matter of substance. We are here because for the class trade union movement the issue of the youth, of education is our own priority. Because the children of the working class, are tomorrow’s shift of our class that will go into production with wretched labor relations, with starvation wages without any rights, so as to support the profits of the big business, monopolies…The class trade union movement, PAME standing by your side to fight together for the satisfaction of our contemporary needs” and added that the “effort to organize the struggle within universities can be supported with experience from the struggles of the working class, but also the struggle of the working class escalate gets more dynamic characteristics when in it participate students”.

The Speech of PAME was warmly welcomed by the students with continuous cries of the slogan: “Students-Workers, One Voice-One Fist”.

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