Maritime Workers 8Day Strike

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PAME gives a special salute to the Strike of the maritime workers, who have been on strike for more than 6 days and continue, against the attempts of the Government to undermine their struggle.

The workers of Piraeus, the biggest port of Greece, held a massive strike demonstration at the port during the General Strike of December 8, in Solidarity and Support with the Maritime Workers.

The maritime workers give a militant response against the new tax measures imposed by the SYRIZA Government, EU-IMF, when at the same time the Government supports the capitalists, ship owners with huge tax exemptions and benefits.

Now we must strengthen the support and solidarity with the struggle of the maritime workers, who decided to continue their strike for 2 more days. We must block the attempts of strike breaking and division among the popular strata.

Workers, farmers, maritime workers, we are all on the same side, against the monopolies of all sectors, against the industrialists, the ship owners, their political representatives.


Solidarity with the Maritime Workers 8 Day Strike



Photos from Strike Demonstration at Piraeus and Maritime Workers Strike at:





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