Solidarity with Turkish Peace Committee, Baris Dernegi

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PAME denounces the banning of the Peace Committee of Turkey (Baris Dernegi).

The operation of Turkish Peace Committee, in addition to hundreds more social association, was banned by the authorities of Turkey for 3 months, under the pretext of investigation for relations with terrorist activities.

The class trade union movement of Greece has great experience on such actions, which lead to abolition of the most basic democratic and union rights and freedoms.

PAME based on the principles of Solidarity and Internationalism expresses its solidarity and support to the Turkish Peace Committee Baris Dernegi, to the people and the workers of Turkey.

PAME demands the immediate withdrawal of the ban for the Baris Dernegi Peace Committee, as well as for the rest of the social organizations and movements. We call the trade unions of Greece and Europe to express their solidarity



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