OSCMS Czech Republic, Message of Support to PAME

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Dear comrades and brothers PAME

We express our deep solidarity with the working of Greece and of PAME in their difficult struggle. We see this as a struggle not only for Greek workers and other workers, but also for workers in the Czech Republic.

Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia was able to strengthen its position unequivocal approach to the wages of bus drivers and drivers of long-distance freight and preparation in some motor racing. For this fact I would like to express gratitude and WFTU and the wave of solidarity and help that we have received. In some parts of the country we have a decisive role now.

Currently in the Czech Republic there is not on the agenda for the amendment or significant change in the law on collective bargaining. However, there is collaborating coalition government, which has a strong presence of Czech Social Democratic Party, which is preparing an extensive amendment to the Labour Code. It is very questionable. On the one hand slightly strengthens the rights of trade unions in the area of ​​supervision of work safety. On the other hand, significantly relieves way to protect workers at the conclusion of labor relations and undermines the position of trade unions in collective bargaining right. The most important problem lies in the fact that it should be the preferred trade unions strongly focused at the European Trade Union Confederation.

We have a negative opinion of this amendment. It is a form of French script in which it is not completely bypassed Parliament no less significant disagreement on how unions and employers’ organizations, this amendment is directed against the workers and other government workers strongly enforced.

Therefore, we are fully on the side and the Greek people, the Greek working class and other workers, PAME and WFTU.

These and fraternal greetings and wishes of many successes


Stanislav Grospič

Chairman OSČMS

Prague, 16 October 2016 



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