PAME Condemned the Brutal Attack of the SYRIZA Government Against Pensioners’ Demonstration

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On October 3, the Pensioners’ Federation of Greece organized a big demonstration, as part of the World Day of Struggle of Pensioners, of TUI Pensioners & Retirees of the WFTU.

Their protest aimed to meet with the Prime Minister of Greece, Tsipras, of SYRIZA, so as to demand the cancelation of the big cuts in their pensions, which are imposed by the Government.

But, the government “welcomed” the large pensioners’ demonstration with the batons and teargas of the police.  The pensioners demanded that the police vans blocking their march withdraw and allow them to meet with the Prime Minister, A. Tsipras. However the police “responded” to this demand by firing teargas and using their batons to disperse the rally.

Tsipras, only the day before, was stating his “respect” the generation that fought against fascism, the generation of resistance against the NAZI occupation in Greece. But, it is on this generation, on today’s pensioners that he cuts the pensions, their social benefits and rights and at the same time, his Government uses the police forces against them.

The class trade union movement of Greece, PAME, part of which is the Pensioners’ Federation, condemned this brutal act of intimidation.

PAME, with the class unions and the pensioners will continue the struggle for the recovering of all workers’ losses, for the reestablishment of our rights!


Video from the demonstration and the attack (at 5:11) at:



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