Solidarity with the Workers of FRIGOGLASS Indonesia

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The trade union of workers of Frigoglass in Greece and the trade union of Metal Workers of Athens, members of PAME and WFTU, express their solidarity with the workers and the trade union of Frigoglass in Indonesia.

The Frigoglass in Indonesia made pause of work on September 1st in the factory that employs 400 workers, because as they said, they did not have any orders.

Following this, they banned the entrance to the workers to whom they had imposed pause of work. Through this procedure and with intimidation tactics, the company tried to get rid of the workers and their salaries and dismissed 131 workers on September 15. Also, they put obstacles to the trade union’s activity, because they want the workers being isolated, defenseless and afraid, so as to submit to the employers’ demands.

Expressing our class solidarity, the trade unions of workers of Frigoglass in Greece and the trade union of Metal Workers of Athens, carried out a protest at the Headquarters of Frigoglass in Greece last Thursday, October 6. The trade unions submitted a resolution of Solidarity with our Indonesian colleagues and demanded:

  • To reopen the factory in Indonesia

  • All the workers to return to their positions and to be paid for the duration that the factory was closed

  • To stop every attack against the trade union and the trade union action.

 The trade unions of Greece, of PAME, will take new initiatives in the next period to express their support and solidarity with the struggle of Frigoglass workers in Indonesia.


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