Militant Demonstrations of PAME in Athens And Thessaloniki (Photos)

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With big demonstrations in Athens (September 9) and Thessaloniki (September 10), PAME responded to the continuous anti-workers attack of the Business Groups, the EU and the Greek Government.

The new anti-workers measures planned for the next period aim to abolish the right to strike, to eliminate trade union rights and freedoms, in addition to new brutal taxes to the people and preparation for new wage and pension cuts.

The demonstrations of PAME, with the participation of workers, small farmers, self-employed, women and students, declared “NO Compromise with Poverty. Organization and Struggle”.

The Greek Government of SYRIZA, showed its intentions against the demonstrations by making the city of Thessaloniki a “fortress”, surrounded by police forces and barricades to keep the demonstrators away.

PAME forces responded with the massiveness of the demonstration which flooded the streets for hours.

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