Workers’ Success Against the Telecom Multinational VODAFONE in Greece

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The Administration of Vodafone Group has announced to the workers of its subsidiary 360Connect that they will immediately have their contracts changed and be employed by Vodafone.

This development is a result of the class unions in Telecommunications, SETIP and 360Connect, members of PAME and their fights the last years. The unions had steady demand for those workers from companies that come from mergers etc to be employed directly by VODAFONE and be covered by the Collective Contract of the workers in VODAFONE.

The VODAFONE Group, though it had accepted these demands, announced it will not implement the Collective Contract for the workers of 360Connect. This development shows that the employer aims to have more than 4 or 5 different types of employees, with different salaries and rights, athough they do the same work.

The Unions SETIP and 360Connect will continue the struggle for a Collective Contract for all workers in VODAFONE Group that will restore workers’ losses in wages and rights the last years, without divisions among workers.


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