Workers Of Marinopoulos Supermarket Fight For The Protection Of Their Jobs

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The workers of Marinopoulos Supermarket organized a series of actions all over Greece for the protection of their jobs and their wages.

Marinopoulos Supermarkets (formerly owned by the multinational Carrefour) with more than 12.000 workers all over Greece, had been for years one of the most profitable corporations. Due to the harsh competition with other supermarket chains, Marinopoulos Group transfers its priority and funds to other parts of the Group, as its Pharmaceutical division, PHARMA. At the same time it has let a huge debt and wages unpaid.

In order to protect the workers’ jobs and their wages the class unions of Workers in Commerce-Retail of Athens, Salonica and other cities have organized a series of protests, actions and mobilizations.


Photos at:

Athens, July 1st, 2016


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