Greece: 6-7 May General Strike

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The Government of SYRIZA, like a burglar, in an attempt to catch the workers unprepared, is bringing the social security butcher-bill, with fast track procedures for voting in Parliament on Saturday, May 7.

We Fight To Stop The Butcher-Bill!

Bring Everything Into A Standstill! Stop Production Everywhere!

No Workers, No Shifts To Go for Work!

Not Even A Soul In Factories, Offices, Shops, Ports, Ships!

Even if the governmental majority votes in favor of the measures, the 2 day strike, with its massiveness, participation, organization and militancy can be a step to counterattack.

Friday May 6, Strike Demonstration in Athens at 11:00

Saturday, May 7, Strike Demonstration in Athens at 18:00

Sunday, International Workers’ Day Strike Demonstration in Athens at 10:00


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