The Great March Against Unemployment Concluded with a big Rally in Athens (Photos)

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The Great March Against Unemployment that started last week, on April 3rd, reached Athens yesterday, Sunday, April 10, where it was welcomed by the working class and the people of Athens with a big Rally and Concert, organized by the class unions of Athens and the National Union of Musicians.

Solidarity to the March expressed a number of trade union organizations from all over the world and more specifically:

Austria- Left Bloc

Bangladesh- Bangladesher

Pakistan- APFUTU

India- All India BSNL Pensioners’ Welfare Association

Colombia-FSM Committee

Chile-FSM Committee




Portugal-CGTP In




Sweden-Seko Klubb 111

Also, statement of Solidarity was released by the Balkan Trade Union Forum that met in Thesaloniki, Greece, on Saturday, April 9 with the participation of Unions from Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Cyprus, which was hosted by the Greek Federation POEEP.

Messages of Solidarity were also sent by the International Trade Union orgazations of


TUI Pensioners



Photos from the Great March and the Rally in Athens at:

Athens, April 11,2016


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