Workers’ Solidarity With The Refugees

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The Executive Secretariat of PAME would like to thank every trade union, every mass organization from all over Greece, from Chania, Zakynthos, Larissa, Athens, Thessaloniki etc., as well as the Regional Labor Centers, the pensioners’ unions, the self-employed, the farmers, the women and students organizations, the workers and unemployed of our country, but also everyone who individually contributed to material aid (food, water, baby products, etc.) gathered for the refugees until today.

Daily are the efforts of the class unions that deliver material aid to the refugees, with distributions of supplies to the refugee camps.

We are making an appeal that NOW every trade union, every People’s Committee, every mass organization, everyone who calls himself human, to organize the gathering of material aid for the refugees and communicate with PAME for its delivery.

All items gathered by PAME are being delivered to every place that refugees are concentrated. (Piraeus, Elliniko, Volos, Idomeni etc.)



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