Workers Football Tournament of PAME

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The youth secretariat of PAME calls the young workers, the unemployed, the apprentices, the migrants to participate in the Workers’ Football Tournament organized by PAME

This year the Workers’ Football Tournament of PAME will be dedicated to the people who are uprooted from their homes, to the migrants and refugees, victims of the imperialist interventions in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other places, because of the barbarism of the NATO, USA and EU policy.

The trade unions, the youth clubs, people’s committees must support the organization of the Tournament and stand in solidarity with the refugees. To stand against the racist and nationalist propaganda that wants more oppression, this will result in more dead refugees in the Aegean Sea.

With this tournament we highlight that sport is a right and a need, which must not depend on someone’s income. There is need today for modern infrastructure and facilities where all people, organized, will have access for free. The big participation in PAME’s Workers Football Tournament, with more than 500 workers taking part last year, reveals the thirst of the workers for sports, for creative use of their free time.

In this tournament we play without Football Corporations and match-fixing against the rottenness of commercialized sports of the profits and steroids, by highlighting the values of class solidarity and collective action.



Youth Secretariat


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