Magnificent Demonstration of Workers and Farmers Flooded the Streets of Athens (PHOTOS)

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On Saturday, February 13, took place a magnificent demonstration of workers and farmers, which was organized by the Unions, Federations and Labour Centres that rally with PAME.

In the demonstration, also participated, unions of the self-employed, the students, and the women’s movement, as well as People’s Committees.

The meeting of thousands of workers, farmers sent a clear message of escalation and common struggle against the anti-people’s policies of the Greek Government, the EU and the IMF and their anti-social security plans.

The workers’ unions clearly stated If the Government dares to push forward the butcher-bill: WE RESPOND WITH NATIONAL GENERAL 48-HOUR STRIKE

Photos from the demonstrations of February 13 and the arrival of the farmers on February 12 are available at:

Monday, February 15, 2016, Athens


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