New Initiatives To Escalate The Struggle

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After the National General Strike of February 4, the members of PAME take new initiatives to escalate the struggle. A number of Federations makes an open call to workers’ unions and people’s organizations of Greece for a meeting to discuss the conclusions of the struggle so far and the next steps the movement must take. Specifically, the National Federations of:

  • Construction Workers

  • Workers in Food and Drink Industries

  • Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries

  • Accountants

  • Workers in Press And Printing Industries

  • Textile Workers

  • Workers in Bottled Drinks Industries

  • Pensioners

Call all Unions, Federations, trade union organizations of workers and associations of the self-employed, the poor farmers, the women, the students, and the unemployed and local people’s committees in open Meeting to discuss:

The Conclusions of Our Struggle

Against the Government’s Offensive to Destroy Social Security

The Plan of Action to Escalate Our Struggle

The Meeting will take place on Thursday, February 11


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