Solidarity With The Workers in FORTHNET Telecom Company

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For the last five years, the Telecom Company Forthnet has proceeded to the firing of hundreds of its workers in order to cut the salaries and abolish workers’ rights. Their positions have been replaced by outsourcing workers with lower salaries and flexible working relations. The Trade Union of Workers in FORTHNET, which was founded in 2012 has been under continuous attack by the company because it opposes the company’s plans. Many of its founding members were fired because of their trade union action. They are under continuous intimidation tactics, law suits, and arrests. During the last month FORTHNET Company has escalated its attack, by firing dozens of colleagues, who had been working through outsourcing companies, in addition to 3 new layoffs of the Union’s leaders’.

On 12/02, two days after the layoffs and one day before the upcoming National General Strike, FORTHNET Company pressed charges against the Trade Union accusing it for accepting as members, workers regardless of their type of employment. Specifically the employers pressed charges against the Trade Union for uniting workers of the mother company, with those of the outsourcing companies. FORTHNET Company is aiming to control who will join the Workers’ Trade Union. To divide the workers, and so to be able to impose its anti-workers’ plans.

The workers of FORTHNET Company rallied in support of their trade union and responded with Strike Action on December 23. On December 22 the company attempted to intimidate the workers by announcing 8 new layoffs. The workers responded with massive participation in the strike, more than 80%.

The FORTHNET Company, representing the aims of the multinationals for workers divided, with no trade union rights, and starvation wages attacks the class trade union organization. It is a duty of all trade unions to express their support and solidarity with the struggle of Trade Union of Workers in FORTHNET and condemn the anti-trade union action of the business groups.


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