PAME Condemns the Arrest of the Leadership of the Trade Union in ZAVEL Food Industry during 24hour Strike

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The trade union of ZAVEL Food Industry held a successful strike on Saturday October 3rd demanding cancelation of layoffs, payment of accrued wages, health and safety regulations, and singing of Collective Contract.

With the solidarity and support of the class trade unions and PAME, who were since the early dawn at the picket lines no worker went to work.

The great success of the strike lead to intimidation tactics by the employers, who called the police to arrest the trade union leaders. The police, under the guidelines of the Greek Government to silence any resistance in the work places arrested the leadership the trade union.

PAME demanded immediately the release of all trade unionists and protested to the Minister of Justice.

In spite of the arrests, the strike continues.

The class trade unions call for massive solidarity to the workers of ZAVEL and condemnation of the intimidation tactics of the employers-police-Greek Government.

Photos of the strike picket lines at: 


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