Massive Demonstration of PAME in Thessaloniki

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

PAME held a massive demonstration in Thessaloniki, (which is the second largest Greek city) on the occasion of HELEXPO. The class trade unions declared their clear position against the imposition of the 3rd Memorandum of SYRIZA. The demonstration was extremely massive with thousands of workers, youth, organizations of the self-employed and small farmers.

During the HELEXPO the forces of PAME held a Press Conference, where they presented to the Media the List of Demands and the Action Plan of PAME for the next period. At the same time, the cadres of PAME visited workplaces, discussed with the workers and organized meetings in all sectors. Also, PAME participated via Skype to the seminar hosted by NEHAWU, with participation of many South African trade unionists on “The Greek Crisis and the positions of the trade unions”

The class trade unions stated clearly that the struggle against the imposition of the antiworkers’ measures will continue and must escalate after the elections, as whichever Government is elected will be in support of the capitalist growth, the European Union and will forward policies against the workers and the popular strata.

In this direction, the forces of the class trade unions will prepare National Action, with strike or Nationwide Demonstration the next period.


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